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Donny’S Unauthorized Technical Guide to Harley-Davidson, 1936 to Present Volume V: Part I of IiーThe Shovelhead: 1966 to 1985【電子書籍】[ Donny Petersen ]

【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Donny Petersen, who studied privately with Harley-Davidson engineers, shares practical knowledge and street-wise tips in the fifth volume of his unauthorized guide on the best motorcycle maker in the world. Written in straightforward language, this guide can help even a motorcycle novice to become an expert mechanic by following Donnys step-by-step instructions. Whether youre looking for detailed service procedures such as fitting engine bearings or simple tips on maintenance, Donny is eager to share the expertise hes stockpiled on the Shovelhead over the last forty years. Donny shares real stories so you can find solutions to whatever is ailing your Shovelhead. Resolve teething problems, troubleshoot problematic aspects of the engine, and fix whatever comes up with various models. Gear ratios, torque multiplication, and H-D and aftermarket tools of the day are prominent in the guide, wh...

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