Doctor Dolittle's Post Office (Red Fox Older Fiction) の感想

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タイトルDoctor Dolittle's Post Office (Red Fox Older Fiction)
製作者Hugh Lofting
販売元Red Fox
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I remember reading some pages of "Doctor Dolittle" series books during English lesson in high school days. As I am interested in "Passer" or the species of the birds such as Tree Sparrow and House Sparrow, "Cheapside" or the London "Cockney" sparrow (= House Sparrow) appearing in all 12 books of the series appealed to me. That’s why I read all of them in Japanese translation since February, 2014 in 47 years after my first brief encounter with "Doctor Dolittle" . I then wanted to read the books in the original text and so far bought eight of them all through Amazon. I enjoyed to have read all of them, which I found most enjoyable. Though Japanese translation done by a prominent novelist called Masuji Ibuse is really good one, I was so pleased to have read what "Cheapside" said in Cockney such as ‘’Ullo, Doctor,’ere we are again! What-o! The old firm! Who would ‘ave thought you’d come to this?’ (page 95), ‘Pretty spry,’ said




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Red Foxから発売されたHugh LoftingのDoctor Dolittle's Post Office (Red Fox Older Fiction)(JAN:9780099880400)の感想と評価
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