On the Brink: the Inside Story of Fukushima Daiichi の感想

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タイトルOn the Brink: the Inside Story of Fukushima Daiichi
製作者Ryusho Kadota
販売元Kurodahan Press
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I have lived in Tokyo since I was born. I still clearly remember the big and scary tremors which we felt even in Tokyo, hundreds of kilometers away from the epicenter, and scary scenes of tsunami and the accident of the nuclear power plant (TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi) on TV in March 2011. While I read this book, I sometimes remembered those scenes.

I also got a lot of information from this book about what really happened in the plant, what the TEPCO staff did and how they felt and thought about their families during their harsh tasks with risks of even losing their lives. Though the results of the accident were not favorable to anyone, the situation would have been even worse without the huge efforts by the TEPCO staff.

I hope that this book will be read by a lot of people who live outside Japan so that they will see what really happened in Fukushima and how the damages will be restored in the future. I also hope that that this kind of accident will never



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Kurodahan Pressから発売されたRyusho KadotaのOn the Brink: the Inside Story of Fukushima Daiichi(JAN:9784902075540)の感想と評価
2018 - copyright© アマゾン通販の感想と評価 all rights reserved.