Barcodes with iOS: Bringing Together the Digital and Physical Worlds の感想

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タイトルBarcodes with iOS: Bringing Together the Digital and Physical Worlds
製作者Oliver Drobnik
販売元Manning Pubns Co
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Having lived in Japan for over 8 years I am no stranger to the QR code. With the high-resolution cameras on our phones, scanning QR codes (or any barcodes for that matter) has become trivial and Apple has finally folded that functionality into iOS. Unfortunately AV Foundation is not as simple as adding a UILabel to your screen and getting instant text entry. But fortunately this book is here to help us out.

This book gives us the required history on barcodes in Chapter 1, quite visually and with real-world examples.

Then in Chapter 2 it takes you into AV Foundation by making an example camera app. You probably want this to understand how the AV Foundation framework is set up. Very useful.

Then it gets into the goodies of scanning barcodes in Chapter 3. This is the meat and potatoes of it all, and Chapter 2 really lays down the foundation for it. As an added benefit, you also see how face detection can easily be applied to what you are learning



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Manning Pubns Coから発売されたOliver DrobnikのBarcodes with iOS: Bringing Together the Digital and Physical Worlds(JAN:9781617292156)の感想と評価
2018 - copyright© アマゾン通販の感想と評価 all rights reserved.