She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman の感想

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タイトルShe Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman
製作者Ian Kerner
販売元William Morrow Paperbacks
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Ian Kerner did a great job with this manual on how to perform this art. There is an in-depth presentation of the female genitalia and interesting facts that most men probably don’t know. He provides detailed instructions about what and how to do with your tongue to give her pleasure. If you are experienced, you may already know some of this stuff.

Moreover, he stresses on the importance of communication between the two lovers. The woman should feel comfortable enough to share with him what feels good and what doesn’t. I think that this important and probably often neglected aspect of sex is properly discussed in this book. Additional book I found very helpful and valuable is: "Scientifically guaranteed male multiple orgasms and ultimate sex". I highly recommend both of them.




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William Morrow Paperbacksから発売されたIan KernerのShe Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman(JAN:9780060538262)の感想と評価
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