the Garden of sinners-劇場版「空の境界」音楽集- の感想



タイトルthe Garden of sinners-劇場版「空の境界」音楽集-
Disc 1 :in the garden of sinners
Thanatos (俯瞰風景)
I something and nothing (殺人考察(前))
II quiet romance (殺人考察(前))
III rain goes up (殺人考察(前))
if I cry (痛覚残留)
garan-no-dou (伽藍の洞)
I magician (矛盾螺旋)
II paradox (矛盾螺旋)
Disc 2 :III spiral (矛盾螺旋)
IV paradigm (矛盾螺旋)
when the fairy tale ends (忘却録音)
I everything, not nothing (殺人考察(後))
II into the light (殺人考察(後))
III epilogue (殺人考察(後))
I kara-no-kyoukai (空の境界)
II snow is falling (空の境界)
カテゴリ » ミュージック » ジャンル別 » J-POP


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Welcome to the Noveber issue of Crypto Insiders newsletter, and what a ride October has been! In the last week, meme coins PEPE and FLOKI have seen the most rally in price, climbing an eye-watering 80%. On the spot Bitcoin market, the bulls remain in control with some wondering if it has the potential to hit $44,000 in the near future. The crypto options market is booming as well. The notional open interest, or the dollar value locked in active bitcoin and ether options contracts on leading exchange Deribit has risen to $20.64 billion, according to data tracked by Switzerland-based Laevitas. Is the Bitcoin bull market finally here?

On the regulatory front, FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried took the stand for the first time Friday in his criminal fraud trial, describing the crypto exchange’s exponential expansion and his extensive work hours. However, he conceded that the lack of a risk management team was a glaring oversight, which may be the understatement of the year!

Despite woes over SBF's trial, there are beacons of progress around the world. For instance, The SEC threw out a lawsuit against Ripple executives Brad Garlinghouse and Chris Larson over what it had claimed was an “unregistered” offering of XRP tokens.

In Asia, Upbit’s Singapore entity recently received in-principal approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) for a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license, allowing the exchange to offer digital payment token services to institutional investors.

As promised, we're also updating our top exchanges for 2024. If you are looking to buy, sell, and swap cryptocurrencies, you’ll need to find the right crypto exchanges to use. There are hundreds of crypto exchanges out there, each one different and offering different services, but these four stand out for the following reasons.


MEXC is best thought of as a user-friendly crypto exchange anyone can use depending on where you’re located. In particular, MEXC has obtained some important licenses in areas that are notorious for not allowing in cryptocurrency exchanges. These areas include the US and Canada. BTW MEXC does not require KYC for US residents. Beyond that, the exchange features an excellent variety of cryptocurrencies, as well as a variety of trading options like buying and selling and derivative products. And MEXC offers one of the lowest trading fees of any exchange out there. For a limited time, MEXC is offering a deposit bonus and a number of generous giveaways. Learn more and sign up here.


KuCoin is an international exchange that allows users from all over the world (including the US) to buy, sell and trade hundreds of Crypto. KuCoin has become a favorite crypto exchange among crypto traders because of the large offerings available. Kucoin also offers leveraged trading, bot trading, staking, lending, and offers dividends, and discounts on trading fees when you hold KCS, their token. If you are interested in learning more about how to use KuCoin sign up here.

Binance is by far the biggest exchange going. With daily volume of $70 billion in total assets, it’s by far the best crypto exchange to trade on no matter where you find yourself in the world. The crypto exchange features just about everything you’ve come to expect from. You can trade spot, margin trade, borrow/lend, and so much more. The best part is Binance, despite being the biggest exchange around, is perfect for first time users or experts. Using the Binance mobile app, users intimidated by the Bloomberg-like terminal style of trading can switch to lite mode. Lite mode simplifies buying and selling for newcomers. To learn more, see


ByBit is a cryptocurrency exchange that lets you trade spot margin, perpetual contracts, and futures markets with up to 100x leverage. ByBit is one of the largest derviative exchange by volume and offers an advanced trading terminal with hundreds of indicators, drawing tools and advanced charts. You can give it a look at Unforunately if you are living in the US, you are not able to sign for an account.

Parting Tidbits
# Coinbase Ventures and Haun Ventures are teaming up to back a crypto accelerator program at the University of Arkansas. That’s right, crypto is going to college!
# Tether has frozen wallets linked to terrorist groups in Israel and Ukraine. In total, 32 wallets were frozen holding a total of ~$875K in crypto.
# Binance announced it has stopped accepting new sign-ups from customers in the U.K. The top crypto exchange said it was "looking for a new FCA authorized approver" so it could comply and continue to onboard customers.
# FTX bankruptcy estate has introduced a new plan to disperse creditor funds. The plan aims to return more than 90% of creditor holdings prior to the collapse. (worth ~$8.9B)

NO FINANCIAL ADVICE– The Information above is provided for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only, without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including warranties of accuracy, completeness, or fitness for any particular purpose.

The Information contained in or provided from this newsletter is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice, or any other advice.

The Information in this newsletter is general in nature and is not specific to you the user or anyone else. You should not make any decision, financial, investment, trading or otherwise, based on any of the information presented on this website without undertaking independent due diligence and consultation with a professional broker or financial advisory.

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P.S.: You are missing out right now by not using it…

Your website isn’t bringing in anywhere near the amount of customers it probably should be.

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I see that you have not been getting all the customers you could or that you wanted to these days. I know thats really frustrating and regretably with looming recession its getting tougher for business owners like you.

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have you ever tried this underground blueprint, for newbies, to build a location independent, fully automated residual income, generating machine?

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Our company earned more than $10K in revenue in the last 4weeks.

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Kind regards

P.S.: You are missing out right now by not using it…

Did you know that you can use this simple Artificial intelligence assistant that makes it fast & easy to create original and creative content for your blog, social media, or website this very simple Artificial intelligence tool writes marketing material, blog articles, product listings, seo content, headlines, video scripts, email copy, Facebook & Google ads, for you, in one click... There’s more: It can now create art and images,for you, in a few seconds, by simply typing text.

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You are missing out right now by not using it…

Do you know that you can use this hidden blueprint, for non-technical people, to build a location independent, automated passive income, generator?

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Our company generated $10K+ in sales in the last 30 days..

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Kind regards

P.S.: You are missing out right now by not using it…

Have you used a little-known blueprint, for newbie, to build a homebased, automated passive income, generator?

This powerful method will teach you Exactly How To Build A Super Profitable Automated Income Business, On Fiverr, Even If You Are Just Starting Out.

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We generated $10K+ in sales in the last 4weeks.

You will see the full case study on


P.S.: You are seriously missing out right now by not using it…

Hi this is Pamela Gates from Excellence Publishing AGAIN. Sorry for contacting you again through your contact form, but I felt this was the best way to convince you to take up our fantastic offer whilst we are still running it. We think your contact form could be much better for your customers and could EASILY make your website at least an extra $1 million a month! Make yourself or, if you have one, your boss happy by taking the initiative and downloading this ebook tool. If you would like to make an extra $1 million a month for you or your company, using your website's contact form through a very easy update of your existing form then please download this FANTASTIC ebook from the following secure Amazon link: >> >> Where else could you make a million from only spending **99 CENTS**? What is there to think about? Are you really going to say no to a **99 CENTS**, MILLION DOLLAR MONEY-MAKING OFFER?? Purchase and download INSTANTLY now, for this limited time CRAZY-LOW price offer of just **99 CENTS**, right from the SAFETY & SECURITY of your Amazon account. Be positive and get rich in 2022! A recession could be on the way, so be smart and safeguard your financial future. Best wishes, Pamela Gates, Excellence Publishing >> That link again is >> >> Can’t hurt to try right? Remember the regret isn’t in doing something, but in wishing you had done something. Wise words! This tool is good for all online websites worldwide, whichever country you are in. You just need an Amazon account to get this ebook. Don’t procrastinate, just download now for only **99 CENTS** and read whenever you’re ready to up your money game! >> <<

Hi, this is Liz Harrison again. Apologies for contacting you AGAIN through your contact form but I didn't want you to miss out on this limited time offer to earn serious money (millions of dollars annually) through real-estate. I know, you are probably thinking, who is this Liz Harrison? Is this a phishing email or worse? I assure you it is not. My honest and sincere offer is this. I am a former receptionist and housewife. I now make serious money, along with my partner, through buying hundreds of foreclosure homes for pennies on the dollar and then renting them out for tens of thousands of dollars a month. This isn’t limited to America, but can be done anywhere in the world, with little start-up money needed. I also make an additional side-income (which helps to pay for the kids college tuition) by recommending the same product that got me started on this millionaire journey. I am only promoting this as I know that it works AND have seen it work wonders for me. It is an easy to use digital product that you can download to your computer for under $50 >> discounted down from $399 >> This product is available to download from Click Bank, the largest digital learning product seller in the world. So therefore you know that the download page is safe and secure; your payment method is encrypted and protected, and best of all, if you don’t like the product, then you can return it for a refund! The proof is in the pudding, as they say; and if you don’t believe that this easy to use digital course can make you millions, then just download the course for the low promotional offer of under $50 and if you don’t like it and don’t begin to see the money roll in after viewing the course and implementing it’s easy to follow plan, then just ask for a no-quibble refund, no questions asked. The secure product page link is >> << IMPORTANT!!, After you click the link and read the product information, please make sure that you scroll right down to near the bottom of the page, until you come to the yellow ‘Add To Cart’ button and click on that button in order to buy and download the product. The button can be found under the text ‘Don’t miss it, Order Now – Click the Button Below’. Thanks again for reading, and here’s to you making your first million dollars on us. God Bless, Liz, Miami, Florida

Hi, I’m John, John Adamson. Thank you for reading my message. My offer is simple and straightforward. I’m sure you’re wary, as I was, of all the scammers and sharks that are operating in the Cryptocurrency world at the moment. Like any new innovation, like the internet or even the automobile, lots of snake-oil salesmen try to jump on the bandwagon of a great new innovation and they give operators and companies like ours a bad name. Thankfully these sharks are always thwarted in the end and real companies, with real business models, like ours rise to the top and stand the test of time. If you are interested in making more money then you ever dreamt of then visit our website to view our short introductory, easy-to-watch web video to learn more. Please note that I get a small commission, if you try and like the system, which is still pocket change compared to how much you will make actually using the system. What’s more, this once in a lifetime offer is discounted at the moment for a limited time only! If you try it and don’t like it then you can return it for a no-quibble refund. This digital information system is sold through Click Bank, the world’s largest online seller of digital profit-making systems, and backed up by their return policy and super-secure website and payment processor. Please click the following link >> << Thanks again for reading, and good luck on making your first of many millions of dollars using this recommendation. John Adamson, Seattle, USA

Hello, I’m Helen Slade. Apologies for contacting you AGAIN through your contact form, but I work with CitiCorp and we are contacting dynamic people who wish to earn BIG money whilst still keeping their existing jobs or businesses. I work for CitiCorp, making $6,000 a month, but make far more money in my side hustle and my employer, CitiCorp, loves it as it shows my dynamism and initiative. Want to earn big money doing the same thing? Check out this turbo-charged profit-making system that I am recommending. I use it myself to make over £30,000 a month and want others to also benefit. It is on offer for a very limited time for under $100, with the usual RRP being $999. I’ll be honest and say that I also get a small commission, if you try and like the system, as I am ever the hustler, but this is still pocket change compared to how much I make actually using the system myself, and how much you will make! If you try it and don’t like it then you can return it for a no-quibble refund. This digital information system is sold through Click Bank, the world’s largest online seller of digital profit-making systems, and backed up by their return policy and super-secure website and payment processor. If you are ready to make REAL BIG MONEY then click >> >> IMPORTANT!! After viewing the product video and being blown away, go ahead and purchase the product by scrolling down to the footer of the page and clicking on the left menu item that says ‘Get Started’. This will take you directly to the product purchase page. Remember that this system can be used anywhere in the world, whichever country you are in. Don’t procrastinate, just download now and use the system whenever you’re ready to become a millionaire! Thanks again for reading, and please remember me when you make your first million dollars using this recommendation. Best wishes, Helen Slade, Manhattan, New York, USA

Did you know that you can use a smart traffic software to grow your business?

This new software enables you to fully automate your sales & marketing tasks, quickly and easily, and it works great. Test-drive it here:

We earned $410K+ in revenue in the last 4weeks ONLY..

You can see the complete case study on

Kind regards

P.S.: You are missing out right now by not using it…

Hi this is Pamela Gates from Excellence Publishing AGAIN. Sorry for contacting you again through your contact form, but I felt this was the best way to convince you to take up our fantastic offer whilst we are still running it. We think your contact form could be much better for your customers and could EASILY make your website at least an extra $1 million a month! Make yourself or, if you have one, your boss happy by taking the initiative and downloading this ebook tool. If you would like to make an extra $1 million a month for you or your company, using your website's contact form through a very easy update of your existing form then please download this FANTASTIC ebook from the following secure Amazon link: >> >> Where else could you make a million from only spending **99 CENTS**? What is there to think about? Are you really going to say no to a **99 CENTS**, MILLION DOLLAR MONEY-MAKING OFFER?? Purchase and download INSTANTLY now, for this limited time CRAZY-LOW price offer of just **99 CENTS**, right from the SAFETY & SECURITY of your Amazon account. Be positive and get rich in 2022! A recession could be on the way, so be smart and safeguard your financial future. Best wishes, Pamela Gates, Excellence Publishing >> That link again is >> >> Can’t hurt to try right? Remember the regret isn’t in doing something, but in wishing you had done something. Wise words! This tool is good for all online websites worldwide, whichever country you are in. You just need an Amazon account to get this ebook. Don’t procrastinate, just download now for only **99 CENTS** and read whenever you’re ready to up your money game! >> <<

Hi, I’m John, John Adamson. Thank you for reading my message. My offer is simple and straightforward. I’m sure you’re wary, as I was, of all the scammers and sharks that are operating in the Cryptocurrency world at the moment. Like any new innovation, like the internet or even the automobile, lots of snake-oil salesmen try to jump on the bandwagon of a great new innovation and they give operators and companies like ours a bad name. Thankfully these sharks are always thwarted in the end and real companies, with real business models, like ours rise to the top and stand the test of time. If you are interested in making more money then you ever dreamt of then visit our website to view our short introductory, easy-to-watch web video to learn more. Please note that I get a small commission, if you try and like the system, which is still pocket change compared to how much you will make actually using the system. What’s more, this once in a lifetime offer is discounted at the moment for a limited time only! If you try it and don’t like it then you can return it for a no-quibble refund. This digital information system is sold through Click Bank, the world’s largest online seller of digital profit-making systems, and backed up by their return policy and super-secure website and payment processor. Please click the following link >> << Thanks again for reading, and good luck on making your first of many millions of dollars using this recommendation. John Adamson, Seattle, USA

Hi, this is Liz Harrison again. Apologies for contacting you AGAIN through your contact form but I didn't want you to miss out on this limited time offer to earn serious money (millions of dollars annually) through real-estate. I know, you are probably thinking, who is this Liz Harrison? Is this a phishing email or worse? I assure you it is not. My honest and sincere offer is this. I am a former receptionist and housewife. I now make serious money, along with my partner, through buying hundreds of foreclosure homes for pennies on the dollar and then renting them out for tens of thousands of dollars a month. This isn’t limited to America, but can be done anywhere in the world, with little start-up money needed. I also make an additional side-income (which helps to pay for the kids college tuition) by recommending the same product that got me started on this millionaire journey. I am only promoting this as I know that it works AND have seen it work wonders for me. It is an easy to use digital product that you can download to your computer for under $50 >> discounted down from $399 >> This product is available to download from Click Bank, the largest digital learning product seller in the world. So therefore you know that the download page is safe and secure; your payment method is encrypted and protected, and best of all, if you don’t like the product, then you can return it for a refund! The proof is in the pudding, as they say; and if you don’t believe that this easy to use digital course can make you millions, then just download the course for the low promotional offer of under $50 and if you don’t like it and don’t begin to see the money roll in after viewing the course and implementing it’s easy to follow plan, then just ask for a no-quibble refund, no questions asked. The secure product page link is >> << IMPORTANT!!, After you click the link and read the product information, please make sure that you scroll right down to near the bottom of the page, until you come to the yellow ‘Add To Cart’ button and click on that button in order to buy and download the product. The button can be found under the text ‘Don’t miss it, Order Now – Click the Button Below’. Thanks again for reading, and here’s to you making your first million dollars on us. God Bless, Liz, Miami, Florida

Hello, I’m Helen Slade. Apologies for contacting you AGAIN through your contact form, but I work with CitiCorp and we are contacting dynamic people who wish to earn BIG money whilst still keeping their existing jobs or businesses. I work for CitiCorp, making $6,000 a month, but make far more money in my side hustle and my employer, CitiCorp, loves it as it shows my dynamism and initiative. Want to earn big money doing the same thing? Check out this turbo-charged profit-making system that I am recommending. I use it myself to make over £30,000 a month and want others to also benefit. It is on offer for a very limited time for under $100, with the usual RRP being $999. I’ll be honest and say that I also get a small commission, if you try and like the system, as I am ever the hustler, but this is still pocket change compared to how much I make actually using the system myself, and how much you will make! If you try it and don’t like it then you can return it for a no-quibble refund. This digital information system is sold through Click Bank, the world’s largest online seller of digital profit-making systems, and backed up by their return policy and super-secure website and payment processor. If you are ready to make REAL BIG MONEY then click >> >> IMPORTANT!! After viewing the product video and being blown away, go ahead and purchase the product by scrolling down to the footer of the page and clicking on the left menu item that says ‘Get Started’. This will take you directly to the product purchase page. Remember that this system can be used anywhere in the world, whichever country you are in. Don’t procrastinate, just download now and use the system whenever you’re ready to become a millionaire! Thanks again for reading, and please remember me when you make your first million dollars using this recommendation. Best wishes, Helen Slade, Manhattan, New York, USA

Want to use an underground traffic software to start your business?

This traffic software allows you to automate your lead generation, quickly and easily, and it works like a charm. Test drive it here:

our business made more than $410K in revenue in the last 30 days.

You can see the step-by-step case study on


P.S.: You are seriously missing out right now by not using it…

Hi, this is Liz Harrison again. Apologies for contacting you AGAIN through your contact form but I didn't want you to miss out on this limited time offer to earn serious money (millions of dollars annually) through real-estate. I know, you are probably thinking, who is this Liz Harrison? Is this a phishing email or worse? I assure you it is not. My honest and sincere offer is this. I am a former receptionist and housewife. I now make serious money, along with my partner, through buying hundreds of foreclosure homes for pennies on the dollar and then renting them out for tens of thousands of dollars a month. This isn’t limited to America, but can be done anywhere in the world, with little start-up money needed. I also make an additional side-income (which helps to pay for the kids college tuition) by recommending the same product that got me started on this millionaire journey. I am only promoting this as I know that it works AND have seen it work wonders for me. It is an easy to use digital product that you can download to your computer for under $50 >> discounted down from $399 >> << This product is available to download from Click Bank, the largest digital learning product seller in the world. So therefore you know that the download page is safe and secure; your payment method is encrypted and protected, and best of all, if you don’t like the product, then you can return it for a refund! The proof is in the pudding, as they say; and if you don’t believe that this easy to use digital course can make you millions, then just download the course for the low promotional offer of under $50 and if you don’t like it and don’t begin to see the money roll in after viewing the course and implementing it’s easy to follow plan, then just ask for a no-quibble refund, no questions asked. The secure download link is >> << Thanks again for reading, and here’s to you making your first million dollars on us. God Bless, Liz, Miami, Florida

Did you know that you could use an underground traffic software to grow your business?

This new software enables you to automate your traffic acquisition, quickly and easily, and it works like a charm. Try it here:

We generated $410K+ in sales in the last 30 days ONLY.

You will see the full case study on

Kind regards

P.S.: You are missing out right now by not using it…

Hi, this is Liz Harrison again. Apologies for contacting you AGAIN through your contact form but I didn't want you to miss out on this limited time offer to earn serious money (millions of dollars annually) through real-estate. I know, you are probably thinking, who is this Liz Harrison? Is this a phishing email or worse? I assure you it is not. My honest and sincere offer is this. I am a former receptionist and housewife. I now make serious money, along with my partner, through buying hundreds of foreclosure homes for pennies on the dollar and then renting them out for tens of thousands of dollars a month. This isn’t limited to America, but can be done anywhere in the world, with little start-up money needed. I also make an additional side-income (which helps to pay for the kids college tuition) by recommending the same product that got me started on this millionaire journey. I am only promoting this as I know that it works AND have seen it work wonders for me. It is an easy to use digital product that you can download to your computer for under $50 >> discounted down from $399 >> << This product is available to download from Click Bank, the largest digital learning product seller in the world. So therefore you know that the download page is safe and secure; your payment method is encrypted and protected, and best of all, if you don’t like the product, then you can return it for a refund! The proof is in the pudding, as they say; and if you don’t believe that this easy to use digital course can make you millions, then just download the course for the low promotional offer of under $50 and if you don’t like it and don’t begin to see the money roll in after viewing the course and implementing it’s easy to follow plan, then just ask for a no-quibble refund, no questions asked. The secure download link is >> << Thanks again for reading, and here’s to you making your first million dollars on us. God Bless, Liz, Miami, Florida

Hi, this is Liz Harrison again. Apologies for contacting you AGAIN through your contact form but I didn't want you to miss out on this limited time offer to earn serious money (millions of dollars annually) through real-estate. I know, you are probably thinking, who is this Liz Harrison? Is this a phishing email or worse? I assure you it is not. My honest and sincere offer is this. I am a former receptionist and housewife. I now make serious money, along with my partner, through buying hundreds of foreclosure homes for pennies on the dollar and then renting them out for tens of thousands of dollars a month. This isn’t limited to America, but can be done anywhere in the world, with little start-up money needed. I also make an additional side-income (which helps to pay for the kids college tuition) by recommending the same product that got me started on this millionaire journey. I am only promoting this as I know that it works AND have seen it work wonders for me. It is an easy to use digital product that you can download to your computer for under $50 >> discounted down from $399 >> << This product is available to download from Click Bank, the largest digital learning product seller in the world. So therefore you know that the download page is safe and secure; your payment method is encrypted and protected, and best of all, if you don’t like the product, then you can return it for a refund! The proof is in the pudding, as they say; and if you don’t believe that this easy to use digital course can make you millions, then just download the course for the low promotional offer of under $50 and if you don’t like it and don’t begin to see the money roll in after viewing the course and implementing it’s easy to follow plan, then just ask for a no-quibble refund, no questions asked. The secure download link is >> << Thanks again for reading, and here’s to you making your first million dollars on us. God Bless, Liz, Miami, Florida

Hi, this is Liz Harrison again. Apologies for contacting you AGAIN through your contact form but I didn't want you to miss out on this limited time offer to earn serious money (millions of dollars annually) through real-estate. I know, you are probably thinking, who is this Liz Harrison? Is this a phishing email or worse? I assure you it is not. My honest and sincere offer is this. I am a former receptionist and housewife. I now make serious money, along with my partner, through buying hundreds of foreclosure homes for pennies on the dollar and then renting them out for tens of thousands of dollars a month. This isn’t limited to America, but can be done anywhere in the world, with little start-up money needed. I also make an additional side-income (which helps to pay for the kids college tuition) by recommending the same product that got me started on this millionaire journey. I am only promoting this as I know that it works AND have seen it work wonders for me. It is an easy to use digital product that you can download to your computer for under $50 >> discounted down from $399 >> << This product is available to download from Click Bank, the largest digital learning product seller in the world. So therefore you know that the download page is safe and secure; your payment method is encrypted and protected, and best of all, if you don’t like the product, then you can return it for a refund! The proof is in the pudding, as they say; and if you don’t believe that this easy to use digital course can make you millions, then just download the course for the low promotional offer of under $50 and if you don’t like it and don’t begin to see the money roll in after viewing the course and implementing it’s easy to follow plan, then just ask for a no-quibble refund, no questions asked. The secure download link is >> << Thanks again for reading, and here’s to you making your first million dollars on us. God Bless, Liz, Miami, Florida

Did you watch it yet?!?

Yesterday I sent over a short video with a guy named Dave.

That video is extraordinarily powerful (and I think you’ll absolutely love it).

Watch It at

I’ve seen just about everything there is to see in terms of digital marketing…

And this is by far one of the most impactful videos I’ve ever seen.

After you get your eyeballs on this video, you’re going to feel:

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The video is short, but it is JAM PACKED with incredibly important information.

Go here To Watch The Video

It’s your time.

Hi this is Pamela Gates from Excellence Publishing AGAIN. Sorry for contacting you again through your contact form, but, I felt this was the best way to convince you to take up our fantastic offer whilst we are still running it. We think your contact form could be much better for your customers and could make you at least an extra $1 million a month! If you would like to make an extra $1 million a month using your website's contact form through a very easy update of your existing form then please download this FANTASTIC ebook from the following secure Amazon link: >> >> Where else could you make a million from only spending 99 CENTS? What is there to think about? Are you really going to say no to a 99 CENTS, MILLION DOLLAR MONEY-MAKING OFFER?? Purchase and download INSTANTLY now, for this limited time CRAZY -LOW price offer of just 99 CENTS, right from the SAFETY & SECURITY of your Amazon account. Be positive and get rich in 2022! A recession could be on the way, so be smart and safeguard your financial future. Best wishes, Pamela Gates, Excellence Publishing >> That link again is >> >> Can’t hurt to try right? Remember the regret isn’t in doing something, but in wishing you had done something. Wise words! This tool is good for all online websites worldwide, whichever country you are in. You just need an Amazon account to get this ebook. Don’t procrastinate, just buy now for only 99 CENTS and read whenever you’re ready to up your money game!

Hello, I’m Helen Slade. Apologies for contacting you AGAIN through your contact form, but I work with CitiCorp and we are contacting dynamic people who wish to earn BIG money whilst still keeping their existing jobs or businesses. I work for CitiCorp, making $6,000 a month, but make far more money in my side hustle and my employer, CitiCorp, loves it as it shows my dynamism and initiative. Want to earn big money doing the same thing? Check out this turbo-charged profit-making system that I am recommending. I use it myself to make over £30,000 a month and want others to also benefit. It is on offer for a very limited time for under $100, with the usual RRP being $999. I’ll be honest and say that I also get a small commission, if you try and like the system, as I am ever the hustler, but this is still pocket change compared to how much I make actually using the system myself, and how much you will make. If you try it and don’t like it then you can return it for a no-quibble refund. This digital information system is sold through Click Bank, the world’s largest online seller of digital profit-making systems, and backed up by their return policy and super-secure website and payment processor. If, like me, you don’t have time to waste and want to download this concise, money-making system now then click >> << If however you’re someone who has time to spare before downloading the digital product and want to be shown the full sales presentation beforehand, then click >> >> After viewing the sales presentation, don’t forget to click on the direct download link (save it/bookmark it for easy reference). Here it is again once more >> << This system can be used anywhere in the world, whichever country you are in. Don’t procrastinate, just download now and use the system whenever you’re ready to become a millionaire! Thanks again for reading, and please remember me when you make your first million dollars using this recommendation. Best wishes, Helen Slade, Manhattan, New York, USA

Do you know that you can use underground automation tools to start your business?

Smart Automation Tools makes it easy for you to automate your income, quickly and easily, and it works wonders. Try it here:

The terrible news is that you are missing out right now by not using it…

Kind regards

P.S.: A brand new tool has just been added to

That’s right.

The whole "Be a good little boy/girl.

Get good grades.

Go to college.

Find a good job.

Put away money into your retirement account and you’ll be just fine" charade is collapsing right under our noses.

We’ve been PLAYED.

We’ve been led to believe that happiness and security were waiting for us if only we did as we were told.

If only we followed the path laid out for us, we’d be ok.

But surveys show 1 in 3 Americans have no retirement savings.

Surveys show most Americans don't have even $1,000 in their bank account.

And this may sound crazy... but surveys show that only 20% of Americans are free of debt.

Horrifying stats...

But honestly, not surprising.

Not when millions of students nationwide borrow as much as $40K A YEAR with the dream of getting a degree that’s supposed to open doors for them…

Only to see themselves having to go back to their parents' place because there just aren’t any jobs for their line of work.

Worst of all?

Student loans are one of THE ONLY non-forgiven debts in this country, so even if you file bankruptcy you can’t have them wiped clean.

As if that wasn’t enough, it seems like every decent paying job is either being replaced by automation through software or robots, or it’s being shipped overseas so companies can save a few dollars on payrolls.

It’s no wonder that a new report from the McKinsey Global Institute, "Poorer than their Parents: Flat or Falling Incomes in Advanced Economies," shows a drastic trend in declining incomes for middle class workers.

The report found that as much as 70% of households saw their earnings drop in the past decade.

To put it bluntly?

Those who had been taught to expect their wealth to grow as long as they obediently follow society’s path of choice, have learned that promise is a lie.

And you know what?

This is not your fault.

We’ve all been played!

But it IS your RESPONSIBILITY to do something about it and guarantee that you and your family will NOT be played anymore.

Go to To See How You Can Stop Being Played TODAY And Put Your Financial Future In Your Own Hands

The information in this video will change your life...

IF you decide to act on it.

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